Public Notice of a Tentative Determination To Issue an Air Quality Permit for a Hotel & Water Park 201 Rainmaker Drive Mashantucket CT, 06338 Comment Period Closed / No Hearing Requested
The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation’s (MPTN) Air Quality Program (AQP) hereby gives notice of its tentative determination to issue GWR Connecticut, LLC an Air Quality Permit to construct and operate a minor source of air pollution within Mashantucket, CT. Specifically, the Permit is for construction and operation of a hotel and water park proposed at 201 Rainmaker Drive, Mashantucket, CT.
Pursuant to Title 12 of MPTN’s Land Use Regulations (12 LUR), a permit is required if a facility’s Potential to Emit (PTE), the maximum emissions if all units were operated '24/7’ throughout the year, could exceed a Minor NSR Threshold. The AQP has reviewed the proposed development and determined that the PTE of NOx and CO will exceed those thresholds. Proposed sources emitting pollutants consist of combustion units for comfort heating, hot water heating, laundry drying and an engine for backup emergency power. All sources will be required to utilize natural gas as a fuel source.
The AQP does not believe that this proposed minor source will cause or contribute to a violation, or interfere with maintenance of, the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. However, since located within an area of non-attainment for ozone, conditions to limit emissions of NOx, a precursor for ozone development, have been specified for larger units. The units proposed are relatively small, with only the proposed emergency generator being subject to a federal emission standard (New Source Performance Standards, ‘NSPS’ 40 CFR 60, subpart JJJJ, and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants, ‘NESHAP’ 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ). Compliance with NESHAP, for area sources, is satisfied by complying with NSPS. The draft permit requires that the engine be certified, pursuant to subpart JJJJ, as suitable for non-emergency and therefore is more stringent than the requirements for an emergency engine under NSPS.
This Notice commences a 30-day public review period during which the AQP will accept comments on the draft permit. Details on how to comment and to review the draft permit are linked below. The public review period will close at the end of business on August 12, 2022. If one is requested, a public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2022.
A copy of this notice and the draft permit has also been provided the US EPA, Region 1, Air Permitting division.